
These are the website styles for design reference

Logo Red: #761912

Logo Gray Text: #6B6B6B

Contrasting Yellow: #D8A526

Vertical Buttons – Passive: #B5B5B5  |  Active: #7F1C16  |  Hovered: #616161

Left and Right Column: 150px each

Center Column: 480px +/-

Header 1: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence (#7F1C15)

Header 2: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence

Header 3: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence (#7F1C15)

Header 4: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence

Header 5: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence (#878787)
Header 6: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence (#7F1C15)

Paragraph text is here: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence

Address: The Fox Jumped Over the Picket Fence

  • Bulleted List

  • Bulleted List

  • Bulleted List

  1. Numbered List

  2. Numbered List

  3. Numbered List



Align Left

Align Right